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 JavaScript comments can be used to explain JavaScript code, and to make it more readable.

JavaScript comments can also be used to prevent execution, when testing alternative code.

Single Line Comments

Single line comments start with //.

Any text between // and the end of the line will be ignored by JavaScript (will not be executed).

This example uses a single-line comment before each code line:


// Change heading:
document.getElementById("myH").innerHTML = "My First Page";

// Change paragraph:
document.getElementById("myP").innerHTML = "My first paragraph.";
Try it Yourself »

This example uses a single line comment at the end of each line to explain the code:


let x = 5;      // Declare x, give it the value of 5
let y = x + 2;  // Declare y, give it the value of x + 2
Try it Yourself »

Multi-line Comments

Multi-line comments start with /* and end with */.

Any text between /* and */ will be ignored by JavaScript.

This example uses a multi-line comment (a comment block) to explain the code:


The code below will change
the heading with id = "myH"
and the paragraph with id = "myP"
in my web page:

document.getElementById("myH").innerHTML = "My First Page";
document.getElementById("myP").innerHTML = "My first paragraph.";
Try it Yourself »
Using Comments to Prevent Execution
Using comments to prevent execution of code is suitable for code testing.

Adding // in front of a code line changes the code lines from an executable line to a comment.

This example uses // to prevent execution of one of the code lines:

//document.getElementById("myH").innerHTML = "My First Page";
document.getElementById("myP").innerHTML = "My first paragraph.";
This example uses a comment block to prevent execution of multiple lines:

document.getElementById("myH").innerHTML = "My First Page";
document.getElementById("myP").innerHTML = "My first paragraph.";

4 Ways to Declare a JavaScript Variable:

  • Using var
  • Using let
  • Using const
  • Using nothing

What are Variables?

Variables are containers for storing data (storing data values).

In this example, xy, and z, are variables, declared with the var keyword:


var x = 5;
var y = 6;
var z = x + y;
Try it Yourself »

In this example, xy, and z, are variables, declared with the let keyword:


let x = 5;
let y = 6;
let z = x + y;
Try it Yourself »

In this example, xy, and z, are undeclared variables:


x = 5;
y = 6;
z = x + y;
Try it Yourself »

From all the examples above, you can guess:

  • x stores the value 5
  • y stores the value 6
  • z stores the value 11

When to Use JavaScript var?

Always declare JavaScript variables with var,let, orconst.

The var keyword is used in all JavaScript code from 1995 to 2015.

The let and const keywords were added to JavaScript in 2015.

If you want your code to run in older browser, you must use var.

When to Use JavaScript const?

If you want a general rule: always declare variables with const.

If you think the value of the variable can change, use let.

In this example, price1price2, and total, are variables:


const price1 = 5;
const price2 = 6;
let total = price1 + price2;
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The two variables price1 and price2 are declared with the const keyword.

These are constant values and cannot be changed.

The variable total is declared with the let keyword.

This is a value that can be changed.

Just Like Algebra

Just like in algebra, variables hold values:

let x = 5;
let y = 6;

Just like in algebra, variables are used in expressions:

let z = x + y;

From the example above, you can guess that the total is calculated to be 11.

JavaScript Identifiers

All JavaScript variables must be identified with unique names.

These unique names are called identifiers.

Identifiers can be short names (like x and y) or more descriptive names (age, sum, totalVolume).

The general rules for constructing names for variables (unique identifiers) are:

  • Names can contain letters, digits, underscores, and dollar signs.
  • Names must begin with a letter
  • Names can also begin with $ and _ (but we will not use it in this tutorial)
  • Names are case sensitive (y and Y are different variables)
  • Reserved words (like JavaScript keywords) cannot be used as names


JavaScript identifiers are case-sensitive.

The Assignment Operator

In JavaScript, the equal sign (=) is an "assignment" operator, not an "equal to" operator.

This is different from algebra. The following does not make sense in algebra:

x = x + 5

In JavaScript, however, it makes perfect sense: it assigns the value of x + 5 to x.

(It calculates the value of x + 5 and puts the result into x. The value of x is incremented by 5.)


The "equal to" operator is written like == in JavaScript.

JavaScript Data Types

JavaScript variables can hold numbers like 100 and text values like "John Doe".

In programming, text values are called text strings.

JavaScript can handle many types of data, but for now, just think of numbers and strings.

Strings are written inside double or single quotes. Numbers are written without quotes.

If you put a number in quotes, it will be treated as a text string.


const pi = 3.14;
let person = "John Doe";
let answer = 'Yes I am!';
Try it Yourself »

Declaring a JavaScript Variable

Creating a variable in JavaScript is called "declaring" a variable.

You declare a JavaScript variable with the var or the let keyword:

var carName;
let carName;

After the declaration, the variable has no value (technically it is undefined).

To assign a value to the variable, use the equal sign:

carName = "Volvo";

You can also assign a value to the variable when you declare it:

let carName = "Volvo";

In the example below, we create a variable called carName and assign the value "Volvo" to it.

Then we "output" the value inside an HTML paragraph with id="demo":


<p id="demo"></p>

let carName = "Volvo";
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = carName;
Try it Yourself »


It's a good programming practice to declare all variables at the beginning of a script.

One Statement, Many Variables

You can declare many variables in one statement.

Start the statement with let and separate the variables by comma:


let person = "John Doe", carName = "Volvo", price = 200;
Try it Yourself »

A declaration can span multiple lines:


let person = "John Doe",
carName = "Volvo",
price = 200;
Try it Yourself »

Value = undefined

In computer programs, variables are often declared without a value. The value can be something that has to be calculated, or something that will be provided later, like user input.

A variable declared without a value will have the value undefined.

The variable carName will have the value undefined after the execution of this statement:


let carName;
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Re-Declaring JavaScript Variables

If you re-declare a JavaScript variable declared with var, it will not lose its value.

The variable carName will still have the value "Volvo" after the execution of these statements:


var carName = "Volvo";
var carName;
Try it Yourself »


You cannot re-declare a variable declared with let or const.

This will not work:

let carName = "Volvo";
let carName;

JavaScript Arithmetic

As with algebra, you can do arithmetic with JavaScript variables, using operators like = and +:


let x = 5 + 2 + 3;
Try it Yourself »

You can also add strings, but strings will be concatenated:


let x = "John" + " " + "Doe";
Try it Yourself »

Also try this:


let x = "5" + 2 + 3;
Try it Yourself »


If you put a number in quotes, the rest of the numbers will be treated as strings, and concatenated.

Now try this:


let x = 2 + 3 + "5";
Try it Yourself »

JavaScript Dollar Sign $

Since JavaScript treats a dollar sign as a letter, identifiers containing $ are valid variable names:


let $ = "Hello World";
let $$$ = 2;
let $myMoney = 5;
Try it Yourself »

Using the dollar sign is not very common in JavaScript, but professional programmers often use it as an alias for the main function in a JavaScript library.

In the JavaScript library jQuery, for instance, the main function $ is used to select HTML elements. In jQuery $("p"); means "select all p elements".

JavaScript Underscore (_)

Since JavaScript treats underscore as a letter, identifiers containing _ are valid variable names:


let _lastName = "Johnson";
let _x = 2;
let _100 = 5;
Try it Yourself »

Using the underscore is not very common in JavaScript, but a convention among professional programmers is to use it as an alias for "private (hidden)" variables.

The let keyword was introduced in ES6 (2015).

Variables defined with let cannot be Redeclared.

Variables defined with let must be Declared before use.

Variables defined with let have Block Scope.

Cannot be Redeclared

Variables defined with let cannot be redeclared.

You cannot accidentally redeclare a variable.

With let you can not do this:


let x = "John Doe";

let x = 0;

// SyntaxError: 'x' has already been declared

With var you can:


var x = "John Doe";

var x = 0;

Block Scope

Before ES6 (2015), JavaScript had only Global Scope and Function Scope.

ES6 introduced two important new JavaScript keywords: let and const.

These two keywords provide Block Scope in JavaScript.

Variables declared inside a { } block cannot be accessed from outside the block:


  let x = 2;
// x can NOT be used here

Variables declared with the var keyword can NOT have block scope.

Variables declared inside a { } block can be accessed from outside the block.


  var x = 2;
// x CAN be used here

Redeclaring Variables

Redeclaring a variable using the var keyword can impose problems.

Redeclaring a variable inside a block will also redeclare the variable outside the block:


var x = 10;
// Here x is 10

var x = 2;
// Here x is 2

// Here x is 2
Try it Yourself »

Redeclaring a variable using the let keyword can solve this problem.

Redeclaring a variable inside a block will not redeclare the variable outside the block:


let x = 10;
// Here x is 10

let x = 2;
// Here x is 2

// Here x is 10
Try it Yourself »

Browser Support

The let keyword is not fully supported in Internet Explorer 11 or earlier.


Redeclaring a JavaScript variable with var is allowed anywhere in a program:


var x = 2;
// Now x is 2

var x = 3;
// Now x is 3
Try it Yourself »

With let, redeclaring a variable in the same block is NOT allowed:


var x = 2;   // Allowed
let x = 3;   // Not allowed

let x = 2;   // Allowed
let x = 3;   // Not allowed

let x = 2;   // Allowed
var x = 3;   // Not allowed

Redeclaring a variable with let, in another block, IS allowed:


let x = 2;   // Allowed

let x = 3;   // Allowed

let x = 4;    // Allowed
Try it Yourself »

Let Hoisting

Variables defined with var are hoisted to the top and can be initialized at any time.

Meaning: You can use the variable before it is declared:


This is OK:

carName = "Volvo";
var carName;
Try it Yourself »

If you want to learn more about hoisting, study the chapter JavaScript Hoisting.

Variables defined with let are also hoisted to the top of the block, but not initialized.

The const keyword was introduced in ES6 (2015).

Variables defined with const cannot be Redeclared.

Variables defined with const cannot be Reassigned.

Variables defined with const have Block Scope.

Cannot be Reassigned

A const variable cannot be reassigned:


const PI = 3.141592653589793;

PI = 3.14;      // This will give an error

PI = PI + 10;   // This will also give an error

Must be Assigned

JavaScript const variables must be assigned a value when they are declared:


const PI = 3.14159265359;


const PI;

PI = 3.14159265359;

When to use JavaScript const?

As a general rule, always declare a variable with const unless you know that the value will change.

Use const when you declare:

A new Array

A new Object

A new Function

A new RegExp

Constant Objects and Arrays

The keyword const is a little misleading.

It does not define a constant value. It defines a constant reference to a value.

Because of this you can NOT:

Reassign a constant value

Reassign a constant array

Reassign a constant object

But you CAN:

Change the elements of constant array

Change the properties of constant object

Constant Arrays

You can change the elements of a constant array:


// You can create a constant array:

const cars = ["Saab", "Volvo", "BMW"];

// You can change an element:

cars[0] = "Toyota";

// You can add an element:


But you can NOT reassign the array:


const cars = ["Saab", "Volvo", "BMW"];

cars = ["Toyota", "Volvo", "Audi"];    // ERROR

Constant Objects

You can change the properties of a constant object:


// You can create a const object:

const car = {type:"Fiat", model:"500", color:"white"};

// You can change a property:

car.color = "red";

// You can add a property:

car.owner = "Johnson";

But you can NOT reassign the object:


const car = {type:"Fiat", model:"500", color:"white"};

car = {type:"Volvo", model:"EX60", color:"red"};    // ERROR

Browser Support

The const keyword is not supported in Internet Explorer 10 or earlier.

The following table defines the first browser versions with full support for the const keyword:

Chrome 49 IE 11 / Edge Firefox 36 Safari 10 Opera 36

Mar, 2016 Oct, 2013 Feb, 2015 Sep, 2016 Mar, 2016


Block Scope

Declaring a variable with const is similar to let when it comes to Block Scope.

The x declared in the block, in this example, is not the same as the x declared outside the block:


const x = 10;

// Here x is 10


const x = 2;

// Here x is 2


// Here x is 10

You can learn more about block scope in the chapter JavaScript Scope.


Redeclaring a JavaScript var variable is allowed anywhere in a program:


var x = 2;     // Allowed

var x = 3;     // Allowed

x = 4;         // Allowed

Redeclaring an existing var or let variable to const, in the same scope, is not allowed:


var x = 2;     // Allowed

const x = 2;   // Not allowed


let x = 2;     // Allowed

const x = 2;   // Not allowed



const x = 2;   // Allowed

const x = 2;   // Not allowed


Reassigning an existing const variable, in the same scope, is not allowed:


const x = 2;     // Allowed

x = 2;           // Not allowed

var x = 2;       // Not allowed

let x = 2;       // Not allowed

const x = 2;     // Not allowed


  const x = 2;   // Allowed

  x = 2;         // Not allowed

  var x = 2;     // Not allowed

  let x = 2;     // Not allowed

  const x = 2;   // Not allowed


Redeclaring a variable with const, in another scope, or in another block, is allowed:


const x = 2;       // Allowed


  const x = 3;   // Allowed



  const x = 4;   // Allowed


Const Hoisting

Variables defined with var are hoisted to the top and can be initialized at any time.

Meaning: You can use the variable before it is declared:


This is OK:

carName = "Volvo";

var carName;

If you want to learn more about hoisting, study the chapter JavaScript Hoisting.

Variables defined with const are also hoisted to the top, but not initialized.

Meaning: Using a const variable before it is declared will result in a ReferenceError:


alert (carName);

const carName = "Volvo";


Assign values to variables and add them together:

let x = 5;         // assign the value 5 to x
let y = 2;         // assign the value 2 to y
let z = x + y;     // assign the value 7 to z (5 + 2)
Try it Yourself »

The assignment operator (=) assigns a value to a variable.


let x = 10;
Try it Yourself »

The addition operator (+) adds numbers:


let x = 5;
let y = 2;
let z = x + y;
Try it Yourself »

The multiplication operator (*) multiplies numbers.


let x = 5;
let y = 2;
let z = x * y;
Try it Yourself »

JavaScript Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are used to perform arithmetic on numbers:

**Exponentiation (ES2016)
%Modulus (Division Remainder)

Arithmetic operators are fully described in the JS Arithmetic chapter.

JavaScript Assignment Operators

Assignment operators assign values to JavaScript variables.

OperatorExampleSame As
=x = yx = y
+=x += yx = x + y
-=x -= yx = x - y
*=x *= yx = x * y
/=x /= yx = x / y
%=x %= yx = x % y
**=x **= yx = x ** y

The addition assignment operator (+=) adds a value to a variable.


let x = 10;
x += 5;
Try it Yourself »

Assignment operators are fully described in the JS Assignment chapter.

JavaScript String Operators

The + operator can also be used to add (concatenate) strings.


let text1 = "John";
let text2 = "Doe";
let text3 = text1 + " " + text2;

The result of text3 will be:

John Doe
Try it Yourself »

The += assignment operator can also be used to add (concatenate) strings:


let text1 = "What a very ";
text1 += "nice day";

The result of text1 will be:

What a very nice day
Try it Yourself »

When used on strings, the + operator is called the concatenation operator.

Adding Strings and Numbers

Adding two numbers, will return the sum, but adding a number and a string will return a string:


let x = 5 + 5;
let y = "5" + 5;
let z = "Hello" + 5;

The result of x, y, and z will be:

Try it Yourself »

If you add a number and a string, the result will be a string!

JavaScript Comparison Operators

==equal to
===equal value and equal type
!=not equal
!==not equal value or not equal type
>greater than
<less than
>=greater than or equal to
<=less than or equal to
?ternary operator

Comparison operators are fully described in the JS Comparisons chapter.

JavaScript Logical Operators

&&logical and
||logical or
!logical not

Logical operators are fully described in the JS Comparisons chapter.

JavaScript Type Operators

typeofReturns the type of a variable
instanceofReturns true if an object is an instance of an object type

Type operators are fully described in the JS Type Conversion chapter.

JavaScript Bitwise Operators

Bit operators work on 32 bits numbers.

Any numeric operand in the operation is converted into a 32 bit number. The result is converted back to a JavaScript number.
OperatorDescriptionExampleSame asResultDecimal
&AND5 & 10101 & 00010001 1
|OR5 | 10101 | 00010101 5
~NOT~ 5 ~01011010 10
^XOR5 ^ 10101 ^ 00010100 4
<<left shift5 << 10101 << 11010 10
>>right shift5 >> 10101 >> 10010  2
>>>unsigned right shift5 >>> 10101 >>> 10010  2

The examples above uses 4 bits unsigned examples. But JavaScript uses 32-bit signed numbers.
Because of this, in JavaScript, ~ 5 will not return 10. It will return -6.
~00000000000000000000000000000101 will return 11111111111111111111111111111010

Bitwise operators are fully described in the JS Bitwise chapter.

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