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Complete CSS Course - GreatToCode

Complete CSS Course - GreatToCode

### **Module 1: Introduction to CSS**

**1.1 What is CSS?**

- Definition and purpose of CSS

- How CSS works with HTML

- Basic syntax: Selectors, Properties, and Values

**1.2 CSS Syntax**

- Selectors: Element, Class, ID

- Properties and Values

- Inline, Internal, and External CSS

**1.3 Adding CSS to HTML**

- Inline Styles

- Internal Style Sheets

- External Style Sheets

**1.4 CSS Selectors and Specificity**

- Universal Selector (`*`)

- Type Selector (`element`)

- Class Selector (`.class`)

- ID Selector (`#id`)

- Attribute Selectors

- Descendant and Child Selectors

### **Module 2: CSS Box Model**

**2.1 Understanding the Box Model**

- Content, Padding, Border, Margin

- Width and Height properties

**2.2 Box Model Properties**

- `box-sizing` property

- Adjusting padding, borders, and margins

- Example: Styling a card component

**2.3 Layout Techniques**

- Static, Relative, Absolute, and Fixed Positioning

- Floats and Clearfix

### **Module 3: Typography**

**3.1 Font Properties**

- Font Family

- Font Size

- Font Weight

- Line Height

- Text Alignment

**3.2 Text Styling**

- Text Color

- Text Decoration (underline, overline, etc.)

- Text Transform (uppercase, lowercase)

- Letter and Word Spacing

**3.3 Web Fonts**

- Google Fonts and other font services

- Using `@font-face` for custom fonts

### **Module 4: Colors and Backgrounds**

**4.1 Color Properties**

- Color values: Named colors, HEX, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA

- Background Color and Gradient

**4.2 Background Properties**

- Background Images

- Background Size, Position, and Repeat

- Multiple Backgrounds

**4.3 CSS Gradients**

- Linear Gradients

- Radial Gradients

- Using gradients in backgrounds

### **Module 5: Layout Techniques**

**5.1 Flexbox Layout**

- Flex Container and Flex Items

- Flex Properties: `display: flex`, `flex-direction`, `justify-content`, `align-items`

- Building responsive layouts with Flexbox

**5.2 CSS Grid Layout**

- Grid Container and Grid Items

- Grid Properties: `display: grid`, `grid-template-columns`, `grid-template-rows`, `grid-gap`

- Building complex layouts with Grid

**5.3 Responsive Design**

- Media Queries

- Breakpoints and Fluid Layouts

- Mobile-first and Desktop-first approaches

### **Module 6: Styling Links and Forms**

**6.1 Link Styling**

- Link States: `:link`, `:visited`, `:hover`, `:active`

- Styling navigation menus

**6.2 Form Styling**

- Input Types and Styling

- Form Layout and Alignment

- Customizing Form Elements: `input`, `textarea`, `select`, `button`

### **Module 7: Advanced CSS Techniques**

**7.1 CSS Transitions and Animations**

- CSS Transition Properties

- Creating simple animations with `@keyframes`

- Animation Properties: `animation-name`, `animation-duration`, `animation-timing-function`

**7.2 CSS Variables**

- Defining and Using Custom Properties

- Advantages of CSS Variables

**7.3 Pseudo-classes and Pseudo-elements**

- Pseudo-classes: `:hover`, `:focus`, `:nth-child`

- Pseudo-elements: `::before`, `::after`

- Practical examples and use cases

### **Module 8: Practical Projects**

**8.1 Project 1: Responsive Website Layout**

- Design and build a responsive webpage using Flexbox and Grid

- Incorporate media queries for different devices

**8.2 Project 2: Interactive Forms**

- Create and style an interactive form with custom validation and effects

- Use transitions and animations for user feedback

**8.3 Project 3: CSS Animations**

- Design and animate a CSS-based interactive component or hero section

### **Module 9: Best Practices and Optimization**

**9.1 Writing Efficient CSS**

- Avoiding redundancy and excessive specificity

- Utilizing CSS pre-processors like SASS or LESS (optional)

**9.2 CSS Performance**

- Minimizing CSS files

- Best practices for faster rendering

**9.3 Tools and Resources**

- CSS Frameworks: Bootstrap, Tailwind

- Development tools and browser extensions


**Interactive Exercises and Quizzes**:

- Each module includes hands-on exercises and quizzes to test your understanding and apply what you’ve learned.

**Final Project**:

- Build a fully responsive, styled website applying all concepts learned throughout the course.

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