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What is AI?

When talking about Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the tech industry, we refer to intelligent machines that can do jobs that previously needed human intelligence.

Advances in machine learning have given AI a huge boost.

This tutorial focuses on Generative AI, like text-to-text and text-to-image.

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI is an AI that can create something like:

  • Text
  • Images
  • Audio
  • Videos
  • 3D models

Generative AIs analyze and use existing data and input from a user to generate these things.

Giving Generative AIs input is known as AI Prompt Writing or AI Prompt Engineering.

What is AI Prompt Writing?

AI Prompt Writing (or Engineering) is the process of creating input (usually text) instructing the Generative AI to generate the desired response.

In other words, prompting is the way we ask an AI to do something.

A prompt should be tailored to the type of response you want to receive and to the specifics of the Generative AI you use.

Different types of prompts:

  • Instructions
  • Questions
  • Data
  • Examples

What is text-to-text Generative AI?

A text-to-text Generative AI is an AI that Generates text based on text input.

An example of a text-to-text Generative AI is ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI.

Text generation uses machine learning, existing data and previous user input in generating responses.

Text Generative AI can be used to:

  • Understanding Text
  • Create content
  • Debug code
  • Education
  • Research
  • Translation
  • Virtual Assistant
  • And much, much more!

Giving Generative AIs input is known as AI Prompt Writing or AI Prompt Engineering.

General Rules for Prompt Writing

When writing prompts for text-to-text Generative AIs, the rules will differ depending on which platform you use, but here are some general rules:

  • Start simple - start with a simple prompt and build on it
  • Call to Action - start the prompt with an action word like "Write", "Create", or "Summarize" instead of "Can you"
  • Add Context - add specific and relevant context to the task you want to perform
  • Add Expectations - add clear and direct expectations for the content, like how long it should be and what to include


With the following prompt:

Create a list of 10 fun and inexpensive toy gifts to programmers based on the following criteria:

- It should be useful
- It should be silly
- It should spark creativity

A response from a Generative AI (in this case, ChatGPT) could be:

What is ChatGPT-3.5?

ChatGPT-3.5 is an AI chatbot developed by OpenAI and launched in November 2022.

It is designed to engage in conversations, answer questions, and help with various tasks.

ChatGPT-3.5 is avaliable for anyone who makes an account with OpenAI

ChatGPT-3.5 it detailed and articulate across a wide range of topics. But, the 3.5 version has also been criticized for it sometimes uneven accuracy.

ChatGPT-3.5 Example


With the following prompt:

Create a list of 10 fun and inexpensive toy gifts to programmers based on the following criteria:

- It should be useful
- It should be silly
- It should spark creativity


What is ChatGPT-4?

ChatGPT-4 is an AI chatbot developed by OpenAI and launched in April 2023.

It is designed to engage in conversations, answer questions, and help with various tasks.

ChatGPT-4 is only avaliable for users with OpenAI who have a ChatGPT Plus subscription.

What is the Difference between ChatGPT-3.5 and ChatGPT-4?

ChatGPT-4 is an improvement over ChatGPT-3.5 in almost every way.

Here is a table comparing the two versions:

Training DataData prior to June 2021Data up to September 2021, with select information beyond that date
Number of Parameters175 billionOver 1 trillion
Corrections and SuggestionsLimited corrections and suggestionsMore corrections and suggestions
SafeguardsLimited safeguardsImproved safeguards, 82% less likely to respond to disallowed content
Coherent OutputIncoherent suggestions, losing threads halfway throughMore believable and coherent output
Context RetentionLimited to 3,000 wordsExtended to around 25,000 words
Response SpeedResponds within secondsTakes a minute or more for larger responses
Code GenerationCan write codeSuperior initial understanding and can improve code
Understanding ImagesPrimarily text-basedCan understand and describe images, make suggestions based on them

ChatGPT-4 Example


With the following prompt:

Create a list of 10 fun and inexpensive toy gifts to programmers based on the following criteria:

- It should be useful
- It should be silly
- It should spark creativity

What is Google Bard?

Bard is an AI chatbot developed by Google and launched in March 2023.

It is designed to engage in conversations, answer questions, and help with various tasks.

Bard is currently only avaliable for users in the US and UK.

Bard-4 Example


With the following prompt:

Create a list of 10 fun and inexpensive toy gifts to programmers based on the following criteria:

- It should be useful
- It should be silly
- It should spark creativity

A response from a Bard could be:

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