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Structure and Union IN C PROGRAMMING

Arrays allow to define type of variables that can hold several data items of

the same kind.

Similarly structure is another user defined data type available in C that

allows to combine data items of different kinds.

Structures are used to represent a record. Suppose you want to keep track

of your books in a library. You might want to track the following attributes

about each book −




Book ID

Defining a Structure

To define a structure, the struct

keyword is used.

Syntax of struct

struct structureName


dataType member1;

dataType member2;



Here is an example:

struct Person


char name[50];

int citNo;

float salary;


Here, a derived type struct Person

is defined. Now, you can create

variables of this type.

Memory Representation Of structure

struct employee

{ int id;

char name[10];

float salary;


Create struct variables

struct Person


char name[50];

int citNo;

float salary;


int main()


struct Person person1, person2, p[20];

return 0;


Another way of creating a struct

variable is:

struct Person


char name[50];

int citNo;

float salary;

} person1, person2, p[20];

In both cases, two variables person1,

person2, and an array variable p

having 20 elements of type struct

Person are created.

Access members of a structure

There are two types of operators used for accessing members of a structure.

. - Member operator

🡪 - Structure pointer operator (will be discussed in the next tutorial)

Suppose, you want to access the salary of person2. Here's how you can do



How to access data members of a structure using a

struct variable?





struct StudentData


char *stu_name;

int stu_id;

int stu_age;


struct StudentData student;

student.stu_name = "Steve";

student.stu_id = 1234;

student.stu_age = 30;


Student Name is: Steve

Student Id is: 1234

Student Age is: 30

include <stdio.h>

struct StudentData


char *stu_name;

int stu_id;

int stu_age;


int main()


struct StudentData student;

student.stu_name = "Steve";

student.stu_id = 1234;

student.stu_age = 30;

printf("Student Name is: %s", student.stu_name);

printf("\nStudent Id is: %d", student.stu_id);

printf("\nStudent Age is: %d", student.stu_age);

return 0;


How to Copy Structure Variables?

Two variables of the same structure type can be copied the same way as

ordinary variables.

If persona1 and person2 belong to the same structure, then the following

statements Are valid.

person1 = person2;

person2 = person1;

How to Compare Structure Variables?

C does not permit any logical operators on structure variables

In case, we need to compare them, we may do so by comparing members


person1 = = person2

person1 ! = person2

Statements are not permitted.

Program for comparison of structure variables

struct class


int no;

char name [20];

float marks;


main ( )


int x;

struct class stu1 = { 111, “Rao”, 72.50};

struct class stu2 = {222, “Reddy”, 67.80};

struct class stu3;

stu3 = stu2;

x = ( ( stu3.no= = stu2.no) && ( stu3.marks = = stu2.marks))?1:0;

if ( x==1)


printf (“ \n student 2 & student 3 are same \n”);

printf (“%d\t%s\t%f “ stu3.no, stu3.name, stu3.marks);



printf ( “\n student 2 and student 3 are different “);


Out Put:

Student 2 and student 3 are same

222 reddy 67.0000

An array of structures in C can

be defined as the collection of

multiple structures variables

where each variable contains

information about different


The array of structures in C are

used to store information about

multiple entities of different

data types.

The array of structures is also

known as the collection of



struct student


int rollno;

char name[10];


int main()


int i;

struct student st[5];

printf("Enter Records of 5 students");



printf("\nEnter Rollno:");


printf("\nEnter Name:");



printf("\nStudent Information List:");



printf("\nRollno:%d, Name:%s",st[i].rollno,st[i].name);




Enter Records of 3 students

Enter Rollno:1

Enter Name:Sonoo

Enter Rollno:2

Enter Name:Ratan

Enter Rollno:3

Enter Name:Vimal

Student Information List:

Rollno:1, Name:Sonoo

Rollno:2, Name:Ratan

Rollno:3, Name:Vimal

Nested Structure in C

C provides us the feature of nesting one structure within another

structure by using which, complex data types are created.

For example, we may need to store the address of an entity

employee in a structure. The attribute address may also have the

subparts as street number, city, state, and pin code.

Hence, to store the address of the employee, we need to store the

address of the employee into a separate structure and nest the

structure address into the structure employee.

Consider the following program.


struct address {

char city[20];

int pin;

char phone[14];


struct employee {

char name[20];

struct address add;


void main ()


struct employee emp;

printf("Enter employee Name,City,Pincode,Phone information?\n");

scanf("%s %s %d %s",emp.name,emp.add.city, &emp.add.pin, emp.add.phone);

printf("Printing the employee information....\n");

printf("name: %s\nCity: %s\nPincode: %d\nPhone:%s”,




Enter employee Name, City, Pincode,

Phone information





Printing the employee information....

name: Arun

City: Delhi

Pincode: 110001

Phone: 1234567890

Pointers to structures in C

It is defined as the pointer which points to the address of the

memory block that stores a structure is known as the structure


We have already learned that a pointer is a variable which

points to the address of another variable of any data type like

int, char, float etc.

Similarly, we can have a pointer to structures, where a pointer

variable can point to the address of a structure variable. Here is

how we can declare a pointer to a structure variable.

How to declare Pointer to Struct Variable

struct dog


char name[10];

char breed[10];

int age;

char color[10];


struct dog spike;

// declare the struct variable

struct dog *ptr_dog // declaring a pointer to a structure of type struct dog


struct student{

int sno;

char sname[30];

float marks;


main ( ){

struct student s;

struct student *st;

printf("enter sno, sname, marks:");

scanf ("%d%s%f", & s.sno, s.sname, &s. marks);

st = &s;

printf ("details of the student are");

printf ("Number = %d\n", st ->sno);

printf ("name = %s\n", st->sname);

printf ("marks =%f\n", st ->marks);



Let us run the above program

that will produce the following

result −

enter sno, sname, marks:1

Lucky 98

details of the student are:

Number = 1

name = Lucky

marks =98.000000

Passing the Structure to Function

Passing of structure to the function can be done in two ways:

By passing all the elements to the function individually.

By passing the entire structure to the function.

entire structure is passed to the function. This can be done using call by

reference as well as call by value method.

Passing Structure Members as arguments to Function


struct student


char name[20];

int roll_no;

int marks;


void print_struct(char name[ ], int roll_no, int marks);

int main()


struct student stu = {"Tim", 1, 78};

print_struct(stu.name, stu.roll_no, stu.marks);


void print_struct(char name[], int roll_no, int marks)


printf("Name: %s\n", name);

printf("Roll no: %d\n", roll_no);

printf("Marks: %d\n", marks);




Name: Tim

Roll no: 1

Marks: 78

By passing the entire structure to the function

#include <stdio.h>

struct student


char name[50];

int age;


void display(struct student s);

int main() {

struct student s1;

printf("Enter name: ");

scanf("%s", s1.name);

printf("Enter age: ");

scanf("%d", &s1.age);

display(s1); // passing struct as an argument

return 0;


void display(struct student s)


printf("\nDisplaying information\n");

printf("Name: %s", s.name);

printf("\nAge: %d", s.age);



Enter name: Ankit

Enter age: 13

Displaying information

Name: Ankit

Age: 13

C Unions

Unions are conceptually similar to structures.

The syntax to declare/define a union is also similar to that of a


The only differences is in terms of storage.

In structure each member has its own storage location,

whereas all members of union uses a single shared memory

location which is equal to the size of its largest data member.

This implies that

although a union

may contain many

members of

different types,

it cannot handle all

the members at the

same time.

A union is declared

using the union


Accessing a Union Member in C

Syntax for accessing any union member is

similar to accessing structure members,

union test


int a;

float b;

char c;


t.a; //to access members of union t



union item


int m;

float x;

char c;


In the union declared above the member

x requires 4 bytes which is largest

amongst the members for a 16-bit


Other members of union will share the

same memory address.

References for MCQ on Structure & Union








Multiple Choice Question -

Structure And Union


int main()


struct site


char name[] = "GeeksQuiz";

int no_of_pages = 200;


struct site *ptr;

printf("%d ", ptr->no_of_pages);

printf("%s", ptr->name);


return 0;


(A) 200 GeeksQuiz

(B) 200

(C) Runtime Error

(D) Compiler Error

Answer: (D) Compiler Error

Explanation: When we declare a

structure or union, we actually

declare a new data type suitable

for our purpose.

So we cannot initialize values as

it is not a variable declaration but

a data type declaration.


struct student s;

struct student *st;

st = &s;

Answer: (C) Compiler Error


In C, struct and union types cannot

have static members.

In C++, struct types are allowed to

have static members,

but union cannot have static

members in C++ also.


struct st


int x;

static int y;


int main()


printf("%d", sizeof(struct st));

return 0;


(A) 4

(B) 8

(C) Compiler Error

(D) Runtime Error

Answer: (C) 18 bytes

Explanation: Short array s[5] will

take 10 bytes as size of short is 2


When we declare a union, memory

allocated for the union is equal to

memory needed for the largest

member of it, and all members share

this same memory space.

Since u is a union, memory allocated

to u will be max of float y(4 bytes)

and long z(8 bytes). So, total size

will be 18 bytes (10 + 8).

struct {

short s[5];

union {

float y;

long z;


} t;

Assume that objects of the type short,

float and long occupy 2 bytes, 4 bytes

and 8 bytes, respectively. The memory

requirement for variable t, ignoring

alignment considerations, is (GATE CS


(A) 22 bytes

(B) 14 bytes

(C) 18 bytes

(D) 10 bytes

Which of the following operators can be

applied on structure variables?

(A) Equality comparison ( == )

(B) Assignment ( = )

(C) Both of the above

(D) None of the above

Answer: (B)

Explanation: A structure variable can be

assigned to other using =, but cannot be

compared with other using ==

1. Which of the following are

themselves a collection of different

data types?

A. String

B. Structures

C. Char

D. None of the above

View Answer

Ans : B

Explanation: A structure is a user

defined data type in C/C++. A

structure creates a data type that

can be used to group items of

possibly different types into a

single type. 



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