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Finding the Sum of Digits in a Number using Python

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Finding the Sum of Digits in a Number using Python


Calculating the sum of digits in a number is a common programming task that involves extracting individual digits from a given number and then adding them together. In this article, we'll explore a simple Python program to find the sum of digits in a number and provide a detailed explanation of the code.

### Python Program to Find the Sum of Digits:

def sum_of_digits(number):
    total_sum = 0

    while number > 0:
        digit = number % 10
        total_sum += digit
        number = number // 10

    return total_sum

# Example: Finding the sum of digits
input_number = int(input("Enter a number: "))
result = sum_of_digits(input_number)
print("Sum of digits:", result)

### Explanation:

#### 1. Function Definition (`sum_of_digits`):

   - The `sum_of_digits` function takes an integer `number` as an argument and returns the sum of its digits.

#### 2. Initialization:

   - `total_sum` is initialized to 0, which will store the sum of digits.
   - The `while` loop runs as long as the original number (`number`) is greater than 0.

#### 3. Extracting and Summing Digits:

   - Inside the loop:
     - `digit` is the last digit of the original number (`number % 10`).
     - The current digit is added to the `total_sum`.
     - The last digit is removed from the original number (`number // 10`).

#### 4. Returning the Result:

   - Once the loop completes, the sum of digits is returned.

#### 5. User Input and Output:

   - The user is prompted to enter a number using `input()`.
   - The entered number is converted to an integer using `int()`.
   - The `sum_of_digits` function is called with the input number, and the result is printed.

### Sample Output:

Enter a number: 12345
Sum of digits: 15

### Conclusion:

Finding the sum of digits in a number using Python involves a simple algorithm where each digit is extracted and added together. The provided program demonstrates an efficient way to achieve this using a `while` loop. This foundational knowledge can be applied to various programming scenarios, and understanding these basic operations is crucial for developing more complex algorithms. Feel free to experiment with different inputs and adapt the program to suit specific requirements in your projects. Happy coding!

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