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Interactive online coding classes for at-home learning with GreatToCode . Try ₹Free Per Month Coding Classes With The Top Teachers . five simple Python programs that utilize while loops for various task.

five simple Python programs that utilize while loops for various task.

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Here are five simple Python programs that utilize while loops for various tasks:

### 1. Counting from 1 to 10:

# Program 1: Counting from 1 to 10 using a while loop
count = 1
while count <= 10:
    count += 1

### 2. Sum of Numbers:

# Program 2: Calculating the sum of numbers from 1 to 5 using a while loop
sum_result = 0
num = 1
while num <= 5:
    sum_result += num
    num += 1
print("Sum:", sum_result)

### 3. User Input Validation:

# Program 3: Validating user input using a while loop
user_input = input("Enter a positive number: ")
while not user_input.isdigit() or int(user_input) <= 0:
    user_input = input("Invalid input. Enter a positive number: ")
print("You entered:", user_input)

### 4. Password Verification:

# Program 4: Password verification using a while loop
password = "secure123"
user_password = input("Enter the password: ")
while user_password != password:
    user_password = input("Incorrect password. Try again: ")
print("Access granted!")

### 5. Countdown:

# Program 5: Countdown from 5 to 1 using a while loop
countdown = 5
while countdown > 0:
    countdown -= 1
print("Blast off!")

Feel free to run these programs to observe how while loops are employed in different scenarios.

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